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Ubuntu 22 04 VisionSOM-8Mmini

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Ubuntu 22.04 for VisionSOM-8Mmini

System image



The Ubuntu 22.04 image for VisionSOM-8Mmini module is based on the following components:

Hardware configuration

The base image was prepared for the VisionSOM-8Mmini module and VisionCB-8M-STD carrier board with SL-TFT7-TP-720-1280-MIPI display. In order to use the SL-MIPI-LVDS-HDMI-CNV adapter the /etc/lightdm/ file needs to be edited by commenting out or removing the following lines:

xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right
xinput set-prop "generic ft5x06 (79)" --type=float "Coordinate Transformation Matrix" 0 1 0 -1 0 1 0 0 1

and setting supported resolution for greeting screen:

xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1280x720


There are two users available in the default configuration:

  • som (password: som) - serial and SSH
  • root (password: root) - serial only

Checksum (SHA256)

  • SoMLabs-VisionSOM-8Mmini-Ubuntu-22.04-2022-06.img: cc5027caee6c500a207f1801d0404f709140baf9c5a203f2730c1c3dafc8dc1b
  • dcf28aaaf7d210015a741b800be11dbb5d2fcb133f09f30ed164b3d9159b8d43
  • SoMLabs-VisionSOM-8Mmini-Ubuntu-22.04-2022-06-u-boot.imx: 0e56da3e8dc7d5e924584ad96c04b186d056f33547064944b8c99bd0d3ef468a


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