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How to write image to VisionSOM-6ULL NAND/eMMC using UUU tool on Windows

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How to write image to VisionSOM-6ULL NAND/eMMC using UUU tool on Windows


    • PC with Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit OS
    • u-boot-dtb.imx - u-boot binary file to be programmed into traget
    • rootfs.ubi - root file system image


Default NAND paritions layout for 4M boot variant:

|    3 MB  [boot]      |
|    1 MB  [splash]    |
|   508M [rootfs]      |  (remaining NAND area is used for root file system by default)


For programming a memory of VisionSOM-6ULL, please switch boot selector to mode: SERIAL.

BOOTx Boot Mode
1 1 Reserved
1 0 Internal
0 1 Serial
0 0 Fuses

Connect the VisionCB-STD board to the host PC using microUSB cable connected to the USB-OTG connector. To observe progress/error reports during programming, please use serial console. If you are using standard VisionSOM carrier board, this can be done by using build in serial/usb converter.

Programming board with eMMC/uSD card

Flasher does not assume any specific partitions layout. It simply takes raw image of eMMC/SD card and writes it into the storage.

For image programing, use command:

uuu.exe -b vsom_6ull_emmc_flasher sdcard.img

while: sdcard.img - raw image of SD card or eMMC memory

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