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Installing OpenSTLinux on VisionSOM-STM32MP1 with eMMC memory

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Installing OpenSTLinux on VisionSOM-STM32MP1 with eMMC memory

The built system file can be written to the target device memory using the STM32CubeProgrammer tool, that is available on the STMicroelectronics website:

In order to program the module on VisionCB-STM32MP1-STD board, the BOOT jumpers need to be set to 000 to enable DFU boot.

Stm32mp1 dfu boot jumpers.png

STM32CubeProgrammer should be connected by the USB cable to the USB-OTG socket.

VisionSOM-STM32MP1 dfu otg connect.png

Now in the STM32CubeProgrammer window connect to the module using Connect button and select the tsv file. In the newly built system, the tsv file is in the directory:

STM32CubeProgrammer 1.png

Finally select the binaries path (it should point to the directory containing listed above files and arm-trusted-firmware and bootloader directories) and press the Download button

STM32CubeProgrammer 2.png

After programming the BOOT jumpers need to be set to 010 in order to run the installed system.

Stm32mp1 emmc boot jumpers.png
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