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Programming eFUSE bits on VisionSOM-6ULL

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Programming eFUSE bits on VisionSOM-6ULL

NOTE! The described operation may be performed only once and cannot be reversed!

This article describes the programming eFUSE on VisionSOM-6ULL with VisionCB-6ULL-STD. It requires the UUU tool that may be downloaded from here.

1. Enable the eFUSE boot mode by setting the BOOT[1:0] signals to 00.

2. Connect the VisionCB-6ULL-STD board to the PC using the USB-OTG connector.

3. Power-on the board - the processor will starts in the serial downloader mode because the eFUSEs are not yet programmed.

4. Run the downloaded UUU tool:

On Windows:

uuu.exe vsom_6ull_fuse_sd_boot.lst

On Linux:

./uuu vsom_6ull_fuse_sd_boot.lst

5. Reset the board - if the SD card is inserted, the system will automatically boot.

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